We specialize in the manufacture of Can Packaging.
In the last 39 Years we have contributed to 600+ Clients generate more than Rs. 30,000 Crores in Revenue.
We have manufactured & supplied more than 45 crore (450 million) units across more than 950 SKUs in 10 Categories.
Our catalogue has carried more than 950 product SKUs across 10 product categories. Out of which 152 SKUs across 8 categories are alive currently.
At any given point of time we have a capacity to supply 5 lakh units of packaging daily from our 3 manufacturing units spread across India.Our products are used for selling to 71 countries in 4 continents.

Moti Packaging was founded in 1985 with the intention of bringing some much needed high quality packaging into the Indian market. Nearly 3 decades later, we’re the frontrunners in the country in terms of diversity and quality, with significant international shipments as well. We put a lot of love into each one of our products, aiming, in our own small way, to make the world a more beautiful, safer place.
At Moti, we provide customers with a wide range of packaging solutions. If it is available in the market, we have it. And that’s not all. We also keep up with the latest technology and trends in the packaging world to ensure that we can create exactly what a customer needs, even if it is not part of our regular offering. That’s why we have a crack team of engineers and designers always on call. We also furnish turnkey solutions and consultancy services for eco-friendly packaging requirements.
We’re DEPENDABLE- we specialize in delivering within deadlines and with no hassles. You can rest assured that the workmanship on your packaging will be of the highest QUALITY. After all we’ve invested in the BEST INFRASTRUCTURE possible.